When Gray Atkins (Toby-Alexander Smith) receives an email from ‘Chantelle,’ he is terrified. As Kheerat Panesar (Jaz Deol) looks on, he is desperate to figure out who is teasing him. However, he opens the door to a terrifying revelation.
Gray begins to think Mitch Baker (Roger Griffiths) and Whitney Dean (Shona McGarty) are behind his internet nightmare, while Kheerat enjoys messing with his head.
He accuses Whitney on the street soon after!
Meanwhile, Dotty Cotton (Milly Zero) isn’t in the mood to celebrate her birthday because the anniversary of Nick’s death is approaching. Dotty accuses Vinny (Shiv Jalota) of attempting to embarrass her by throwing her a birthday party.
She hurls drunken hatred at Mitch when he picks up the flowers she left for her father. Rocky (Brian Conley) stands by and offers assistance, but Dotty is uninterested.
Vinny and Rocky, on the other hand, find her unconscious afterward!
It all kicks off next week in Walford, and if you want a sneak peek at what’s in store, check out our action-packed gallery below.
vinny is making plans for Dotty’s belated birthday surprise party
Sonia has some words for him, but what will she have to say
Dotty has other things on her mind
Vinny has everything set up at the club, hoping Dotty will appear
she does just that, as she enters the club
But Vinny doesn’t get the reaction he was hoping for
Dotty is fuming
She accuses Vinny of trying to embarrass her on the day of her dad’s anniversary
Keegan watches the heated situation unfold
Dotty, drunk, approaches Mitch, who has picked up her flowers, which she’d laid outside No. 23 in memory of her dad
She drunkenly hurls abuse at Mitch, as a stunned rocky watches on
Roxy offers to help, but Dotty wants nothing to do with him
Her rejection evidently leaves Rocky upset
Stacey is frustrated, trying to get a hold of Jean
Suddenly, Jean waltzes into the cafe
Stacey is concerned about Jean
Stacey calls the doctor about her concerns, behind Jean’s back
Will Martin offer Stacey any advice?
Gray sees Chelsea off in a taxi
He plays the devoted husband act once more
But he soon makes a chilling discovery
He’s received an email from ‘Chantelle’
Determined to find out who is behind the trolling, he invites Kheerat over for a beer
He opens up to his only ‘friend’, explaining what he’s going through
But will he get the answers he craves?
Jada bumps into Will while out on a coffee run. Will is nervous in her presence
Gray is concerned about the trolling
He asks Chelsea if anyone has said anything about him recently, revealing that someone is slandering him
Will he get to the bottom of this?
Believing that Mitch is a potential suspect in the case of the mysterious trolling, Gray invites him for a drink
Mitch begins to open up about Chantelle
Will Mitch’s emotional chat put Gray’s mind at rest?
Kheerat in enjoying watching Gray squirm
Jada is working at the salon
Will Jada and Denise get along?
A rude customer realises she is missing cash, and she blames Jada!
Kim meets her makeover client at the salon
It’s Howie!
Kim is stunned
Kheerat has a present for Gray
He gifts the killer a bottle of whiskey
But he soon takes action
Kheerat swiftly sends Gray another email, desperate to see his reaction
Will Gray fall into his trap?
Jada thinks about recent events
She’s looking after Alyssa
While in the cafe, she encounters Denise
Tommy opens up to Phil
He admits that he’s being bullied at school, so Phil assures him he will pick him up from now on
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