The exciting new trailer released by the soap shows the moment in which both exes of Sharon Watts clash on the boat during the episodes of ' 35th anniversary week. After the news of Keanu's remarkable comeback from the dead comes out, Hardman Phil will be brought back to Walford.
He tries to deal with it himself by Keanu blackmailing Phil's son Ben for £ 100,000 in exchange for the release of captured Callum Highway, but Phil obviously will be needed.
After a tragedy hits, Phil and Keanu trade blows in the trailer on the sinking boat, and the ship begins sinking.
Mick and Linda Carter can be seen fighting for life in other episodes. Linda looks worse for wear and wounded as the warring couple becomes stuck on the ship under the deck as it sinks into the Thames.
One can see two men plunging into the frozen water as multiple characters for survival.
Ian Beale wanderers the sinking vessel's galleries elsewhere on the ships, immediately trying to reach others.
Ian is seeking revenge on the guy responsible for putting his son Bobby in the hospital after a bunch of racists attacked him.
He takes a fire extinguisher and tries to knock down a door when water fills the hallway. Last month someone reported how someone would die in the horror crash that will air on BBC One next week.