The pregnant mother-played on the BBC One soap by Letitia Dean-was shocked when Keanu Taylor, her toyboy boyfriend, showed up and asked her to run away with him. Fans of EastEnders will be aware of it that Keanu made a dramatic return to the Square last week to insist that Sharon leave with him to start a new life overseas with him. When Sharon was waiting for Linda to arrive at the house of the Beales, she got a nasty shock when Keanu showed up at the door.
Sharon also suspected that thanks to a drunk Linda spilling the beans weeks ago, Keanu was still alive-so his presence was not a massive shock for her. But she was shocked that he had come to the Square and requested him to leave immediately before one of the Mitchells had done his job of killing him for good. Keanu said to her: "I'm not going anywhere. Phil's gone now. I've come back for you, for you both. I want you to leave with me from here now."
Next week Sharon will tell her son Dennis that they're leaving Walford during the big anniversary week.
Yet she comes face-to-face with an angry Ben, as she runs into Kathy and tells her the story. Sharon is stunned when she heads into labor, after the row.EastEnders also announced that during the episodes ' special anniversary week, one major character would seal their tragic fate. And with Sharon set to be in the middle of the excitement of the anniversary because she was taken to labour, could she be in danger?