Home and Away Spoilers: Ryder’s in trouble & Leah’s missing.
Doing the right thing this week takes Ryder Jackson (Lukas Radovich) into a whole heap of problems as he finds himself in the police station facing serious allegations!
Having turned a blind eye to the theft of $50 from Salt last week's new girlfriend Jade (Mia Morrissey), after hearing what he thought was a convincing sob story, Ryder becomes incensed when he spotted her doing the same thing again.
Dragging her into the storeroom, Ryder asks for an explanation— he helped her out on her caravan with the rent, so why would she need to steal?
This time around, Jade is totally unrepentant and can't see why Ryder is making a big deal out of it, it's just $30.
Ryder than Jade issues an ultimatum, either she asks manager Mackenzie what she was up to, or he is going to.
As the two conversations with Mackenzie the next day, Jade refuses to own up — and is shocked when Ryder sticks to his word and tells Mackenzie that Jade was stealing from her. When Mackenzie goes off to get Colby, Jade is asking Ryder he'll regret what he's just done.
"She is so furious," Mia told New Idea. "She thought she had so much influence over Ryder and then he preferred morals over his family. She feels totally betrayed–and she wants Ryder to pay. "Jade returns to Summer Bay after being taken off to the police station and meets Ryder to apologize tearfully, and everything seems to be forgotten as Jade takes him back to her van.
Yet unknown to Ryder, Jade sets up her phone to secretly record them having sex.
Colby returns to Salt later that afternoon where he informs Ryder he needs to come to the police station with him right away.
There, a stunned Ryder and his aunt Roo are told that Ryder faces serious charges, having been convicted of posting his sex tape and Jade to the internet without her permission!
Ryder disputes any information but it doesn't seem like Colby informs Ryder he's going to need a prosecutor …
Where’s Leah?
This week, inhabitants of Summer Bay are shocked by the fact that Leah Patterson-Baker (Ada Nicodemou) is gone! Leah was last seen on-screen at the lunch Martha threw at Summer Bay House, awaiting Justin's call to hear if Tori had come out of her coma.
When Leah excused herself to check her phone, Irene went to see if she was Fine, and she clarified that she needed to be there for Justin — she would never have been in love like this before, so she wanted to be on her side whatever happened.
Just then, the bell rang, and with Leah thinking Justin ringing out of the hospital without Caller ID, Irene left her to take the call.
The last moment we saw Leah was lost in her look when she wondered "Who is this?“.
We're attending the end of the meeting this week as everybody thinks that Leah had to head off to see Justin and talk about it.
The next day, Irene is confused that she hasn't learned anything from Leah, and it's obvious when she wonders about that no one has seen her for almost 24 hours. She didn't call in to say she didn't come to work and it quickly became clear she didn't go to the er as everyone thought.
Irene continues to make calls to family and friends of Leah but no one has heard or seen her.
When Justin finally returns from the hospital that evening, Irene is forced to tell him that Leah is missing.
"There is no Leah message and no leads," said James Stewart to New Idea.
The next day, having gone 48 hours, Irene and Justin go to the police station where Colby formally files a complaint of missing persons …
Leah is expected to be missing for at least the next few months from UK cameras, with Ada Nicodemou taking time off last year to have an extended break in Greece with husband Adam and son Johnas.