Over the last few months, viewers of EASTENDERS have watched as Leo King lied to and stalked Whitney Dean as he actively sought revenge for bringing his abusive father, Tony King to prison. The storyline, however, came to an abrupt end after Whitney attacked her self-defense stalker.
Viewers watched as Whitney Dean (played by Shona McGarty) turned over to the police on Friday, and the knife she used to murder Leo King (Tom Wells). But with Gray Atkins (Toby Alexander-Smith) defending Whitney’s cause, things are about to get much worse if at the bail hearing she refuses to remain calm.
EastEnders: Melissa Dean will be interviewed by investigators about Leo King’s murder
EastEnders: Gray Atkins will question Whitney over the murder of Leo King
But the bail hearing for Whitney is coming up, and it seems that Gray is feeling the pressure from all directions, not just from the Albert Square section.
Unfortunately, the case of Whitney is not black and white, and other people like Kush Kazemi (Davood Ghadami) are involved here.
When Leo refused to leave Albert Square after Whitney discovered that he was, in fact, the violist son of Tony King (Chris Coghill), he became the holder of a market stall.
But when Kush found that Leo was threatening Whitney, he and Leo got into a tussle, and the stalker fell from a balcony on top.
EastEnders: Whitney Dean will not stay calm during her hearing on bail
EastEnders: Gray Atkins can feel the pressure in the courts and at home
EastEnders: Gray Atkins will feel the pressure in the courtroom and at home
Kush was captured immediately, and Gray will be forced this week to urge him to enter a motion for guilty.
Kat Slater (Jessie Wallace) is going to get hold of this soon and get to threaten Gray.
Nevertheless, it soon becomes apparent that she may have to choose between Kush and Whitney.
When Gray assures her Kush’s guilty plea could ensure the custody of Whitney, Kat’s going to be torn.
This will not be the only drama around Whitney’s case, because the square’s newest criminal will struggle to keep her cool as the preliminary hearing approaches.
Tensions will start to boil over as Tiffany Butcher (Maisie Smith), Keegan Baker (Zack Morris), Jack (Scott Marsen) and Max Branning (Jake Wood) wait outside the court.
Whitney will fail to keep it together when she stood before a judge-could she ruin it all at the last minute?
Whitney did not help herself by running off in the drama’s anniversary week of the last week with the murder weapon.
Meanwhile, as the pressure continues to build, Gray is snapping at his two young children, with his wife Chantelle Atkins (Jessica Plummer) sounding even more alarm bells.
Gray’s abusive nature has grown in recent months, and it is now physical, not just emotional and psychological abuse anymore.
He was seen walking his wife upstairs during Christmas, after insisting that they have another child and causing people to think that he had assaulted her.
What, then, will Whitney’s case stress do to the Gray family? So eventually, would Chantelle be bold enough to leave?