Ziggy's dilemma comes to a head on Home and Away Next Weak Ziggy's Story-line..
Ryder manages to get things back on track with Jade this week at Home and Away, after Roo's meddling threw a spanner in the works.
However, as they enjoy breakfast together, Roo interrupts and launches an angry tirade against them, which causes Ryder to warn her.
In the meantime, Willow gets the good news about the promotion and wants to hold a party to celebrate. Unfortunately, when a number of rows break out, the happy occasion is ruined.
Restaurant owner Mackenzie is getting drunk and fights with ex-boyfriend Colby.
Leah is still trying to keep the peace between her boyfriend Justin and her younger brother Mason.
Elsewhere, Ziggy's dilemma comes to the fore this week as she's offered a permanent position on the race track. How's she going to tell Dean?